Thursday, October 13, 2016

Going to see the Oncologist

Today, I go to see the oncologist for the report of the PET Scan. This will tell me how bad or how good it looks,  What my chances are and what stage this cancer is in.

Psalm 20 this morning spoke to me
Some trust in chariots ad some in horses
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God
They collapse and fall
but we rise and stand upright!

Whatever the outcome, I know that my God is still sovereignly in control and I can trust Him even with my life because He is good and faithful and His lovingkindness endures forever!


  1. We are praying for you and your family.

  2. Thanks for demonstrating the way of faithfulness under such harsh providence. Always leading your flock ... "we rise and stand upright" with you in prayer.

  3. Meng, thank you for allowing us to walk this journey of suffering with you. The fellowship of suffering will bond the community even closer. We will cling to the Lord and his promises.The Lord's peace be with you.

  4. May the Spirit of the Lord sustain you, your family and all who love you, brother. Our hearts cry and plead together with you. The Risen One is our guide, leader, and captain. He has entered the heavenly sanctuary ahead of us and intercedes there constantly on our behalf.

    1. Thank you Flavien. Appreciate the earnest prayers on my behalf.

  5. Hi meng. Luke here. Me and my family are praying every moment possible for you and your fam. Keep it up. The lord is with you. Love fam balvers

    1. Hey Luke;
      How did the news get to you? Thats fast. Good to hear from you and thank you for praying
      We need the prayers

  6. I heard it via whatsapp from Yaphh. How are things with you now? Love you man. Luke
