Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Memories in pictures for the record

24th October I began my Radiotherapy Treatment. 35 sessions. 5 days a week
25th October I began my Chemotherapy Treatment  6 sessions, once a week.

I had my last Chemo Therapy treatment on the 29th November

From that day till this week 23rd January 2016 (2 months) I experienced the peak in terms of side effects until this week when things have finally significantly improved.

Up to the 29th November, I had only lost 6Kg.  In the last 2 months I lost a further 7Kg.  Total :13Kg

Here are some pictures...

My last Chemo Treatment. After every treament, nausea sets in

Sorry to spoil your appetite but the white layers in the throat are the sores

After my RT, the doctor added 5 more lighter Irradiation wch eneded on 20th Dec

The skin is burnt from the 35 sessions of RT. It continues to blister a week after the last RT treatment

The hair drops at the back...Still have not grown back. "WHO IS YOUR BABRBER?"

A quick getaway to Cameron Highlands with the family.  This was a good break and rest especially with Bryan back from the US.  We did this on the 2nd day of 2017

With Connie on a cold Cameron's morning

Palas Tea house

The family all together

SS15 McDonalds. We used to do this many Sundays when the children were young


All the meds I used in the last 3 months. Confessions of a Junkie....

Thank you all for patiently following me on this painful and trying journey. Praying for me and my family and encouraging us.

Next steps
I should be going for my CT Scan  in a months time to make sure everything is GONE!!  Praying.

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