Thursday, December 29, 2016

20 days after last Radiation

20 days after my last irradiation there are so many ups and downs.  Some good days some bad days.

I had made it a goal to be available to preach a Christmas sermon on Christmas Day at CDPC Subang. My prayer was that I felt no pain and I was not reliant on pain killers and I will go for it. Meanwhile, Ps Ian from CDPCKL who was to preach the same text in the afternoon was on standby in case I could not do it.  The problem was that up to Wednesday, the pain killers were making me drowsy and each time I put my fingers to the computer I would nod off.  Thursday morning, I woke up and I strangely felt no pain!  I took 1 tablet of pain killer (ultracet) and by evening there was minimal pain in my throat.  I took another one before sleeping. The days before I was doing 6 tablets of ultracet a day + 2 tramadol.  By Friday I had taken zero!  Thank you Lord!!   I told Ian I will go for it as the Lord seem to have given me a confirmation.

Luke 2:8-51
Then on Christmas Eve, I felt a bit of pain and by Sunday morning, the pain had returned. It was time to rely on God!  I took a tablet of ultracet and gargled the aspirin just before going up. It went well and it was a great Christmas present for me from the Lord to have proclaimed the Word of God on Christmas Day to the community I love so much!

On Monday morning, I was parched and hoarse. Got back on the pain killers but half of what I used to do.  Praying again for this Sunday as I preach one more time.

My Scripture reader who helped me read scripture through the sermon

On Christmas Day lunch at church i ate my first solids...mash potatoes and although it was painful I could actually taste it and swallow it! From then on, I have been on soft solids...porridge and fish etc. This is a huge step forward for me!!

Day by day I am praying that God will heal me from all these side effects quickly.
I still am unable to sleep through the nigh having to wake up every hour to wet my mouth and throat. With the sores, a dry throat is just not good!  Wetting the dry sores is like pouring vinegar on an open wound!


  1. Very encouraged to hear all this Meng. Good to hear that your taste buds are back. Great to know that He gave you strength to share the Word. The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24 - 6:26 AMP). Blessed 2017 buddy. New year, new beginnings, fresh start!

  2. Priase the Lod! Looking forward to hearing your sermons online. Will continue to pray for you.

  3. Good news Pastor!! Your taste buds are back!! Wow. May the Lord continue healing you. The pace of your recovery is amazing!

  4. Reading your post to learn that despite all these hardships and discomfort, you still come to church to preach..and to do it with a sincere and cheerful heart really speaks volumes. Faith demonstrated through actions speaks louder and deeper than sermons.
    Thanks for being such a good testimony to your flocks!
    May the Lord grant your speedy recovery...hang in there :)

  5. I thank God for you. Big prayers and hugs to you and Connie! 😍
