Saturday, December 3, 2016

Spaced Out

I have been unable to post anything as I was just our of it since Wednesday.  The doctor gave me a Fantanyl Patch (morphine) and I put it on Wednesday evening.  The whole of Thursday I felt like I was under a cloud. It was like fighting a jet lag all the time. I could be walking and I'd feel like falling asleep. The medicine was that strong. It was a horrible feeling.

I took the opportunity to drink manuka honey and propolis round the clock and do my gargle of Salt water + lavender + Tea tree oils as many times as possible since the pain was under control.

Today I got off the Fantanyl Patch and onto something less strong.  So far so good and I think the throat maybe healing.

I have 5 more rounds of RT. Please continue to pray :
1) Protection and healing of my throat.
2) Salivary  Glands to start working again
3)  Quick and total recovery
4) No more tumor or cancer cells left following the last treatment on Friday!!

For all those journeying with me, thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement!


  1. Keep going Meng! We're rooting for you. The Lord is close by.

  2. I'm looking forward to your last treatment on Friday too! Let the healing begin ��

  3. Praying for these 4 requests, brother.
    Who is like the LORD our God, who is seated on high,
    who looks far down on the heavens and the earth?
    He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, - Psalm 113:5-7

  4. Praying for you Pastor Meng. You have suffered much, may God grant you healing and comfort and peace. We were honored to have you visit Uptown and get to meet you a fe years ago. Know that you have brothers and sisters in Christ around the earth who pray for you. T Fuller, Deacon Uptown Charlotte
