Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 2

I am grateful for the weekend. Going to church seeing the community is the best therapy. It's actually given me strength to face week 2.

I have learned that its OK to say I can't do this.  That's its tough to feel the body getting weaker and to go to the hospital everyday knowing that the treatment is what is causing all the side effects. Now I can turn to Jesus and say I need you. I need you to take me through this, to give me the strength and the stamina cause I can't!

So blessed also to have sat under the authority of the Word this past Sunday and to hear an exhortation from my friend and mentor Ps Guna Raman from Singapore. The church received the Word with great joy and encouragement.
To love and adore Christ for who He is and not for His rewards/gifts. That is the only way to face the severe mercies in this world.

Christ is the Alpha and Omega.
Here is the last 32 minutes of the sermon I recorded.....https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0b4OwphSLvVNWNvY2s2LUEycVk

Ps Guna prays for the church and for me at the end of the sermon.

Week 2.... Here I come

Greetings from SDMC. 


  1. Keep chin above water!! With you in prayer everyday. Even when I'm in NZ! I PROMISE!

  2. With our Lord guiding you. No challenge, you cannot handle.
    We are waiting for you at the Children Christmas Party..theme Jesus calm the storm, the sea, the weather and our lives.

  3. When we feel we just cannot go on anymore, our Father's giving has only begun.
    May the Lord's presence fill you each hour and day.

  4. Amen...thank you for the words of encouragement. Today was rough, didnt think I would ever come to the point where I have to force good food down. This is when your blessings and words of encouragement push me on. Keep it coming!
