Friday early morning walk with Connie at the Park in Subang |
I am thankful and my heart is filled with joy. I think of how God has been good to me and
His lovingkindness has no end. There is no permanency in life and this disease
has taught me how vulnerable and fragile life is. The psalmist says - “As for
man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the
wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.” BUT in contrast to that temporal-ness is God’s
steadfast, long lasting love!
Going through this time of uncertainty it is so good to know
that something can be so certain.
It gives me strength as I know from my past,
the 38 years that I have known the Lord – how good and faithful He is. How He
has really protected me and plucked me from so many possible dangers and
heartaches in life. In fact I was secretly thinking before this Cancer, how
relatively “trial free” my life has been. Perhaps, before this cancer, the most
severe trial was the 2 months of my mother’s hospitalization before she passed
away in May 2009.
I can trust the Hand of God upon my life! God has been good, and
I know He is still good and the timing of this trial is in his perfect will for
my life. This song “The Perfect Wisdom
of our God”
says it well;
Each strand of sorrow has a place
Within this tapestry of grace;
So through the trials I choose to say:
“Your perfect will in your perfect way.”
Another reason to trust Him in this season of suffering is the Gospel of
Jesus Christ which I have come not only to know but to embrace for strength to
live this life. The God who brought light to this world in the beginning has
graciously shone light into my heart so that I can know Christ in greater intensity with each passing day and even more through this trial!
This knowledge of God's saving grace and mercy upon me, Paul calls this "Treasures"in jars of clay! (2 cor4) It has given me the power to face this trial and suffering knowing that the Christ who redeemed me and paid the penalty of my sin is in me (jar of clay) and is a sure and unshakable foundation. No wonder Paul says; "We are afflicted but not crushed, perplexed but not driven to despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed." What a way to live!! In all of this we share in the suffering of our Lord and saviour who also rose and conquered death. What victory! It gives me hope!
The 3rd reason is the Hope of Eternity! I had the opportunity of studying and preaching through the book of Revelation with my beloved congregation and benefited immensely from it. Strangely, the news of the cancer came to me the Thursday after my last sermon on Revelation 21 - "Listening to and longing for Eternity!
Thinking of a place where there be no more sin, nor sickness,nor tears nor pain, nor suffering gives hope for the present. A place where there is love, with the people of God, worshiping our Lord and Saviour night and day. The redeemed from every tribe and tongue crying out "Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb!" Listening to eternity gives hope for the present.
A couple of months ago, Connie and I visited a dear sister struggling with advanced cancer. As I shared this she interupted, exclaiming, with tears in her eyes; "I'll be there!!!" Yes indeed, she will be there, as I will be there and as all of us who trust in the name of Jesus Christ will be there! What hope!!
If you have read through this weekend rambling to this point - thank you. Hope it made sense.