Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Day 3 - Side Effects

Some side effects are beginning to show.
1) my mouth is increasingly getting drier. I have the mouth wash that simulates saliva and keeps it moisturize for 7 hours so I do that before sleeping.  

2) this morning I got a violent hiccup attack.  YES!  hiccups. It would stop after I do my blow air out then drink a glass of water routine. It would stop for 30 minutes and then come back with a vengeance. Suspecting it is because of the chemo I went to Dr. Google..."hiccups chemo"  Yes... cisplatin can cause hiccups but it will go away a couple of days after the chemo.  Thankfully it stopped in time for my radiotherapy treatment this afternoon.

3) My neck is getting a bit sore and feels hot at night like sunburn. After the afternoon sessions, I apply olive oil to the affected area.  There is a study of how topical olive oil helps reduce radiodermatitis...I'll see if it works. So far it helps moisture the area and keeps it supple.

4) no nausea but bloating and tightness on upper abdomen after eating.  Taking medication (Controlloc) before food helps ease the discomfort.
When I'm not in the hospital I'm busy fighting monsters and saving humans.:)

Radiotherapy table where I lie for 15 minutes everyday. See my superhero
mask at the corner  


  1. We shared communion at home last Sunday and we prayed for you.

  2. Steady does it. Mercy Abba, Father. With you in prayer...deep prayer.

  3. Praying for you. For healing and strength through this.

  4. Praying. A lot of stuff to get used to. Praising God for your courage and faith and sense of humour. (sooinn)

  5. That mask is really fearsome .. would be great to don it and go down to the streets for no. 5 ;) May you be well soon, my friend. Thanks for sharing your journey on this blog .. we cheer you on everyday. - gimhock

    1. TQ GH. Now after having worn my mask 13 times, Im a bit sick of it! :(
      Appreciate your well wishes! God willing, I'll be up and about for Christmas and we can meet!
